We facilitate the development of future products or the improvement of current products and/or operating procedures.
This is achieved through basic and applied research:
- Basic research is aimed at a fuller, more complete understanding of the fundamental aspects of a concept or phenomenon. This understanding is generally the first step.
- Applied research is the second step, that entails special activities used to gain knowledge with a specific goal in mind. The activities may be to determine and further develop existing products, services, or operational procedures.
The rapid rate of our technological investment allows us to create innovative products and services that are difficult for competitors to replicate, so we always stay ahead of the curve, anticipating demands, needs and trends.
We have an interest in developing and maintaining a strategic understanding of events, situations, and trends around the world, in a variety of domains. The information used in developing this understanding comes from many sources, in a variety of genres, and data types, and as a mixture of structured and unstructured data.
Our capabilities assessment program seeks to create progressive systematic methodologies that best use the capabilities of both humans and tools that can achieve enhanced performance in uncertain, dynamic, co-evolving and non-permissive environments.
We recognise that training is a mission-critical activity. It involves various stakeholders, draws on a range of resources, requires a team approach and relies on commercial innovation.
We deliver challenging, immersive, adaptable and cost-effective training across all domains and operating environments.
We do so by optimising the deployment of the full range of assets and technologies, integrating human factors, operational experience and delivering objective evidence for measuring individual and collective performance.
We are working collaboratively with others in long-term partnership with our customers.
In our field of expertise, we are the leading research, development and training company for customers operating in uncertain, dynamic, co-evolving and non-permissive environments.
We work in partnership with our customers to solve real world problems through innovative solutions delivering operational and competitive advantage.
Our investment strategy begins with a portfolio approach.
The management of our portfolio reflects the fact that while the mission and philosophy have held steady for decades, the world around us has changed dramatically and the rate at which those changes have occurred has in many respects increased.
We pursue our objectives through multiple programs that are by design, finite in duration while creating lasting revolutionary change.
Reaching for innovation means taking on risk in pursuit of a pay-off is a hallmark of our programs.
We are located in Grantham’s historic quarter. Visitors are welcome by appointment.
Registered Office:
14 Vine Street
NG31 6RQ
United Kingdom
Company registered in England and Wales: 14299800
VAT Registration GB427649271
EORI Number: GB020074673000
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